'There is no feeling in the world more wonderful than how I feel on a retreat with Claire. Claire is the most inspirational and effective meditation teacher that I have ever been blessed with. The joy and freedom that she gives me is indescribable'.

Attendee from Leicestershire

'I recently attended Claire's meditation retreat in the Midlands. I spent a week meditating, reflecting, asking and answering questions and enjoying delicious vegan food. The experience was enhancing and restful, but more importantly, life-changing. Upon my return to London, I have found myself to be calmer, clearer and more confident; in fact, a major shift within has enabled me to change my career and lifestyle in positive and purposeful ways.'

Attendee from London

" The meditation retreat with Claire was exactly what I needed. The retreat gave the space to meditate for longer, and to learn new techniques in a supportive environment. There was also space to walk in the countryside nearby, and reconnect to myself. Claire's uses her own deep experience of meditation to offer practical but profound insights to others. I would highly recommend it."

Attendee from London

'Having attended Claire’s online satsangs multiple times a week for a few years, the opportunity to spend a week in intensive satsang with her was a privilege and an incredible experience. There is no one’s company I find more inspiring than hers. I am still benefitting from essentially having spent a week living beyond the realm of time and space, with long deep meditations and powerful satsangs in a group of wonderful beings. I’m doing all I can to maintain the retreat’s atmosphere for myself now that I’m back in the world and totally uplifted by Claire’s unparalleled presence. Can't wait for the next one'.

Attendee from London

'I have just returned from an excellent four day meditation retreat in Leicestershire run by Claire Pincham. The joy and peace that arose from the extended periods of meditation, for which I generally rush outdoors to seek in nature, was instead found to be right there within - and I didn’t want to be anywhere else other than to be sitting there in that room, in that blessed company. Claire, our guide and teacher, possesses the rare gift of enabling you to see that the appearance of a personality sitting there in the chair is just an illusion, and what is really there is just pure space and presence. It was very beautiful'.

Attendee from London

'The beauty of the retreat was its simplicity: a relaxed timetable with no pressures, lovely surroundings, supportive meetings and illuminating advice. Any fears which I had entertained about longer periods of meditation dissolved immediately and I found myself completely at home in the space and the silence'.

Attendee from Cheshire

'One of the most transformative, inspirational and joyful weeks of my life.'

Attendee from Leicestershire

'Claire is a God given blessing. Her love and wisdom shine for all who access her meditation and spiritual discussion. They reveal a deep understanding and clarity. I find worldly cares dissolve when she reminds us of the profound truth connecting us to our true nature. The good company of Claire and fellow meditators is peaceful and uplifting'.

Attendee from Yorkshire

'It is always said that you need good company and contact with a source of wisdom in order to grow in the spiritual life, and both of these are abundantly available in Claire's online meetings. She has a wonderful ability to speak simply and beautifully of the truth in every person, and is able to shed the light of truth on all the questions and concerns from our daily lives. In a few words she can set us free from doubt and fear, and she is infinitely loving and patient when we find that the clouds have descended once again. In the conversation and in meditation, the knowledge of one's true self becomes undeniable, and this is a priceless reminder.'

Attendee from London

'Meditating with Claire online is a sure way to discovering that sublime bliss within yourself. All at once there is no room, no screen, no separation of forms. There is only a connected sense of oneness.. Claire gives a dialogue of that knowledge which surpasses all thinking in the mind. She has an amazing capacity to take you with her to a marvelous place of great depth and peace. She has the gift of giving you a great space, free from the concerns and pre-occupations of the worldly life. I wholeheartedly recommend her to you. Meditation online is an amazing experience.'

Attendee from London

'Meditating with Claire online is a sure way to discovering that sublime bliss within yourself. All at once there is no room, no screen, no separation of forms. There is only a connected sense of oneness.. Claire gives a dialogue of that knowledge which surpasses all thinking in the mind. She has an amazing capacity to take you with her to a marvelous place of great depth and peace. She has the gift of giving you a great space, free from the concerns and pre-occupations of the worldly life. I wholeheartedly recommend her to you. Meditation online is an amazing experience.'

Attendee from London

'Discussion of the Gita and meditation with Claire has reconnected me with the ultimate truth that is always there and that we know but often doubt or forget. The actual meditation practice together is gentle, still, effortless and very powerful. There is no separation although I am sitting in London and she is in India. A session with Claire is definitely worth trying.'

Attendee from London

'Claire is a truly natural teacher and I always end our online classes with her - feeling lighter, brighter and better equipped for the trials of modern life than I did at the beginning. She has a vast store of experience with meditation and spiritual study and is always able to relate to where you are and how you are feeling with great love and good humour. Claire’s approach is eminently practical, bringing the experience of conscious awareness into the here and now.'

Attendee from London

'I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate my discussions and meditation practice with Claire. She possesses a profound grasp of the most ancient teachings, coupled with a beautiful ability to communicate them in a delightful flow with perfectly refined, contemporary elegance. I whole heartedly recommend her sessions to anyone who is seeking true peace, happiness, and an unshakable connection and awareness with their innermost Self'.

Attendee from Toronto

'I have found the immediacy of her knowledge combined with the warmth, love, clarity and relevance with which it is expressed, to be both absorbing and nourishing and her words have helped me to discover in meditation, where real freedom lies.'

Attendee from London

'I had been practising meditation for many years, but had rarely enjoyed it or felt I was making much progress. Meditating with Claire however made it all so easy. With her wise words, she removed the hitherto hard work and travail I had been subjecting myself to, by saying that all I needed to do was to close my eyes and just sit! I could allow thoughts to come and go, and it did not matter if there were thoughts or no thoughts. The effort needed was just to sit. I had read much over the years on the subject of meditation, but nothing had really helped. How was it then that her simple advice proved so successful, where other words had failed? I believe that you can only really be of help to anyone if you yourself have experienced the same difficulties and overcome them, and Claire has made meditation her main discipline for most of her life. So her words carry a special power. I thoroughly recommend anyone who experiences difficulty with meditation to take up this on-line programme with Claire. Bliss and freedom will be the result!'

Attendee from London

'The talks with Claire are just a deep reminder that meditation works under all circumstances. What ever I face in myself, challenging life events, or emotions what seem very real, she guides me in a very understanding and compassionate way back to the truth, to the true clarity which is hidden in all the movements of the mind. We all have our own life story - our own version of the story of the Gita which took place on a battlefield, and by her words I start to remember again how to find my way back the Guru, Krishna consciousness - just by expressing and keeping on finding the knowledge of who I truly am. Her approach is personal, and coming from a her own direct experience and insight, this brings a space of honesty and safety that nothing on the path has to be hidden, it all is included and even necessary to wake up to your truth. I very much recommend to have regular talks with Claire to deepen your understanding and your daily meditation'.

Attendee from Holland