Claire helps people from all walks of life gain a deeper understanding of themselves. She helps her clients to overcome whatever blocks they face and to develop the confidence they need to live a meaningful life. Her clients include artists, corporate executives, medical professionals, entrepreneurs, celebrities, sports people, musicians, single parents, the young, the old, people of all faiths, genders and sexual orientation. She is no stranger to life’s struggles and works with people facing terminal illnesses, financial difficulties, difficult relationships, the challenges of parenthood, all to find their place in the world. In all her work, Claire maintains that overcoming fear and accepting the impermanence of human life as essential to moving the mind and spirit forward.

She uses her own journey, which has been far from conventional, as well as her extensive knowledge and experience to help her clients find their own solutions. Born into a family where business, politics, philosophy and daily meditation were all equally important, Claire’s exposure to the many varying facets of the world led her to contemplate issues of justice and fairness from very early childhood. The tragic loss of her own mother at a young age heightened her quest. Later, as an adult, working as a chef in London, she met a wide range of people, who made her question the construct of relationships and the human desire for material success and societal acceptance. It increased her sense of dissatisfaction with the world around her and, in a search for a higher consciousness, she turned herself towards the East. Thirty years of spiritual study followed. She mastered a number of non-dual philosophies reflected extensively about the liberation of the human spirit and spent well in excess of 40,000 hours meditating. Life threw her several curveballs as she progressed, including a number of near fatal road accidents and, both life-threatening and chronic illnesses. Through all of this, Claire’s dedication to her own spiritual awakening, her deep practice of meditation, and her wry sense of humour helped her understand the common thread that binds all human beings together.

Since 2016, Claire has sought to use her knowledge for the service of others. Despite formal training in Eastern philosophies and meditation, Claire does not see herself as either a mystic or a spiritualist. Rather, she sees herself simply as a person who, having spent decades contemplating life, the workings of the mind and fundamental problems of attachment, anxiety and mental health from an alternative perspective, feels that she has something to give to those who ask. Her intention is to help each and every person she meets as much as possible by unravelling the equation of where they feel stuck, and by really exploring the techniques that work for an individual in overcoming their challenges. She feels that every person can attain the wisdom needed to remove their fears and fill their hearts and their minds with peace, acceptance and awareness.

Claire Pincham holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies from the International Meditation Institute (India) and is qualified to teach Yog Science, Vedant Philosophy and the Theory and Practice of Meditation.