
In Sanskrit the word for meditation is dhyaan meaning attention.

Through the practice of meditation, the meditator becomes aware of the nature and power of pure attention. The meditator realises that attention in itself always remains unchanged, unaffected and independent, no matter what it may appear to be attending.

Left on its own, the mind constantly creates the experience of both believing and becoming everything it comes into contact with, which can so easily have adverse effects on us. Meditation provides a unique dimension of rest both for and from the mind and its unending functioning habits.

In the medical world, numerous studies have shown how the practice of meditation can physically rewire the brain into a much healthier version of itself.  This, in turn, explains why through regular practice, meditation has the power to completely transform how we live and respond to day-to-day situations. 

From the philosophical perspective, given that meditation keeps ones attention absolutely one-pointed, whether that be on pure attention itself, or on a point of focus such a mantra [see reference], mala [see reference], or pranayam [see reference]. It subsequently has the power to expand our perception as to what we hold to be true, which in turn equips us to live life with a freedom that is never found to be available in the normal thinking mind.

Ultimately, the practice of meditation reveals an understanding that meditation in truth is not something we do. Meditation is the essential nature of being, the natural state. 


Mantra means ‘release of the functioning of mind’. It is a sacred sound or a chant with a profound and deep meaning, the repetition of which holds within it a unique and transformative quality.

From a practical perspective, given that the mind is constantly engaged or busy ‘doing’ something or other, repetition of mantra is a practice that breaks the loop of normal thinking .

Over time, one discovers that mantra is actually the sound of silence, and when absolutely still in meditation, mantra will be seen and heard as arising from the silence rather than a sound that is brought in from the outside and repeated by the mind.


A mala, also known as prayer beads or a rosary is used to keep one’s concentration when repeating mantra in meditation by moving the beads through the fingers of the right hand as mantra is repeated.

Pranayam (Breathwork)

Praan means ‘vital life force’. Pranayam is a practice of focusing on the breath, the breath being the instrument of the praan.

Practicing breathing techniques holds numerous benefits. Pranayam is a powerful way to begin meditation as it keeps the attention focused, off the body and mind, and helps one to become absolutely still in both the body and mind.

Pranayam is known to have many health benefits, each exercise holding a specific positive quality to it. Scientifically it is said to activate the parasympathetic nervous system that prompts the body to rest, rejuvenate and regenerate efficiently.